
Finished another one this evening....the insanely jealous and envious Scottish lass Laoghaire from the show Outlander.   Played by Nell Hudson.   Life never dealt her a fair hand.   Well at least she lasted longer than Malva.   

Again, done on 9x12 inch smooth bristol paper with graphite pencils 4H to 8B.   Yes, I went all the way to 8B this time to get the darker shades on the left.   7B and 8B pencils by Staedtler are basically charcoal.  I don't use them much, but I felt it was needed to show the contrast here.   I also shaved the 8B to smudge the background.  I think this drawing only took me a week, maybe 18 hours I'm guessing.  

High res version is on my Patreon site.   And yes I'm accepting commissions if anyone ever gets interested.   Otherwise I'll keep on posting.


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